Some video sweetness….

We’re focussing in on Mars Attacks some more this week, and today I thought I’d share the unboxing video and gameplay video, so if you’re hesitant about ordering our pre-order deal, we can offer you more information.

The unboxing takes an in-depth look at all of the content in the box, and will give you an idea of what comes in the box.

Curis went over to Beasts of War to play, and it’s a great video which shows you exactly why we’re so proud of Mars Attacks as a team.

And if you’ve still not had enough of our Mars Attacks/Beasts of War content, Ronnie did an amazing interview, and talked Mars Attacks too!

We’re rapidly approaching the release of Mars Attacks in store, and we’d love it if you got a slice of this corner of Americana to defend…or destroy!  Choose your side and play!