SLA Industries – Size matters
SLA Industries – Size matters
Good Ladies, Gentlemen and Xenos of the World of Progress.
One of the most common questions we get asked about our Miniatures is “What scale are they?”
We are in a Golden Age of Wargaming right now, with Kickstarter and Technology combining to empower the average Gamer, such as ourselves, the opportunity to be able to bring their creations to life on the Tabletop in a manner that would have been simply impossible only a few short years ago.
When we started Daruma and the SLA: CS1 Project we had a long conversation about the size and style of our Miniatures, in the end we opted for 32mm scale and a realistic sculpt which closely mimics the fabulous Artwork of Dave Allsop. We wanted to ensure that we captured every detail of the World of Progress just right.
- In the above lineup we have used a Space Marine and Dreadnaught for scale purposes only, to give you an idea of how big our Miniatures range currently are, we have from left to right;
Digger (he really is a big fella..), Dreadnaught, Scav Pit Boss, Scav Marauder, Space Marine, McNultie in HARD armour, Rooker in HARD armour, Joe Fade, Shiver, Lesser Carrien.
- If we regard a 32mm Human Shiver as 6ft, and use her as the benchmark – You can see immediately that on our Battlefield, there are a lot of variations in height and size, but they all remain to 32mm scale. A Scav is about 7ft tall, the Pit boss more like 8ft and Digger.. well.. he is in a class of his own and towers at well over 20ft in game.
- The above lineup is just an indicator – we have a lot more BIG miniatures in the pipeline – the Manchine is due out soon and on size with the Pit Boss, the Shaktar will be more along the size of the Scav Marauder and the 313 Stormer a little larger again. Between Digger and the Pit Boss however we have the almighty Chagrin – not only about 14ft tall but very bulky and heavily armoured, and that’s not forgetting the Necanthrope, Ex War Criminal, Grit Stormer.. and those are only the big end of the lineup – toward the smaller scale we will soon be sculpting Critters, so the Carrien won’t be the smallest miniature for long.
Digger* does NOT like interlopers..
*Please excuse the low quality of the paint on the Digger – he’s one we prepared earlier! The studio painted Master is currently out being painted, but we couldn’t resist getting some paint on the first one out the moulds – he’s not quite finished, but gives you an idea of the Awesomeness of the Model. Those hands are 1 piece casts 😉 – don’t ask us how our Caster does it, we don’t know either.
So – at 32mm our average 6ft miniature is a little shorter than a Space Marine, but is also slimmer with proportions more in keeping with Daves’ original artwork – not quite as “heroic” in scale but suits the SLA miniatures. The Scav Marauder is a little taller than a Marine, and not quite so bulky whilst the Pit Boss and a Terminator are fairly closely matched in terms of size and scale.
Many of our Miniatures are available in White Metal, as well as resin.
As always, if you want to take a look at the ever growing Range of SLA Industries: CS1 Miniatures, please check out our online store at