SLA Industries: Sector Ranger
An older innovation than the Grit Stormers is the Sector Rangers. The Rangers are older than most suspect, having been founded in 400SD, but their existence has only just been made public knowledge, and their recruitment upped and opened so that the Sector Ranger training is now available to any nascent Operative signing on at Meny. Previously, those suitable to be trained as Sector Rangers were handpicked from each year’s intake and trained separately. Now, the Sector Rangers are openly trained alongside their classmates.

Sector Ranger
Dave has just released these fantastic Images of the Sector Ranger artwork that he has been creating for the CS1 Core Book. All of their armour and weaponry is being brought to life in lavish colour art, this gives you a bit of an idea of the sheer amount of work that is being poured into the CS1 Book.

Bully Boy Shotgun

Combat Knife

The Trusty Entrenching Tool!
The Sector Ranger will be modelled later in the year, along with his faithful Grit Stormer sidekick (more on this Stormer variant in a later update). The Ranger is uniquely trained, skilled and equipped to work within the confines of the Cannibal Sectors.
Who can field him?
Brad and Andy are putting the finishing touches to the Faction Formations, and how they work. In addition to the standard Faction Patrols, we are introducing a layer of special characters, calling them Agents for now (working title – TBC) whom can not only be allied directly with some factions, but will (on occasion) work alongside other factions – some of them will never work for certain factions however. Joe Fade, for example is a SLA Loyalist and will only work for SLA Ops or Shivers. The Sector Ranger will work closely with Shivers or SLA Ops as those are very much his faction (we may even revisit him and sculpt a few Ranger friends for him after the game is launched). He will, if the circumstances are right perhaps work alongside the 9th or Cannibal Clans – albeit as a reluctant ally. It is also possible (although unlikely) that he may appear to work to a common goal with Scavs or even Dark Night – perhaps not as an ally but simply an enemy of my enemy, but never with Carrien. He will also never willingly work for the Dream Entities – but then those sneaky Masters have been known to mess with your mind..
The introduction of these Agents adds a layer to the game and gives you a lot of leeway in which Characters you can add to your Patrol as well as deciding what, tactically, they will bring to your Patrol. SLA is a very deep setting for a game and there are hosts of reasons whereby an Operative may appear to work alongside a faction which is, traditionally, their enemy. We asked McNultie for his views on working with each of the following factions;
Shivers – “Brave wee men and lassies. Make a great meat shield if some scunner is firing at you.. I worked with them once, it was right after i got demoted for chinnin Mrs Havelock..”
9th – “Renegade you say? I was wondering why they had black and red armour. I just thought they were more cheerful than the rest o thon Shivers.. That Feaney guy, he can drink.. i tell ya..”
SLA Ops – “Some of my best friends are Ops! If ye want the meanest, baddest, most kick arse people on Mort at your back, and you cannae find a Frother – the Ops are the next best thing.”
Carrien – “Dirty wee beasties, best thing ye can do is give them a good kickin! Covered in fleas, manky.. always ganging up.. cannae stand em!”
Scavs – “Move awfy quiet for big lads.. they can fight though, i’ll give them that – a few of my favourite barnies have been with Pit bosses. A couple of times though, oot there in the sector.. i could swear they had my back.. No! I’ve no taken nothin.. its true i tell ye.”
Dark Night – “Is that who they were? I did think it strange that the wee lassie was giving out free drugs like, so far in out the sector.. but i figured she was just being friendly.”
Cannibals – “No! I didnae get her number.. and next yin to bring it up gets a full dose of UV shoved right up their…!!!”
Dream – “I thought I’d just taken a bad batch of Blaze.. it got all trippy.. wasn’t as bad as that night in the Pit though.”
So, in game terms – McNultie could be fielded as part of an Ops Patrol or a Shiver Patrol without any issues, but could work alongside Cannibals, Scavs, Dark Night or the 9th as a neutral ally, he would never work for Carrien or Dream though, no matter how much he has drank!
We intend to introduce characters for each faction, whom will perform similar functions – there may well be a Carrien named Agent, for example.. who is the Carrien Equivalent of a non Alpha Level special character. Not there to lead, but adds a certain something to your patrol.
These special Characters, or Agents, will encompass many of the Miniatures in the Kickstarter as well as a lot more outwith the KS. They add a much deeper layer of flexibility to the Patrols, with certain of the Characters being insanely useful in given situations – if you are fighting the Dream, you best hope and pray an Aetherman turns up and lends a helping hand. If you are in tournament play however, fielding an Aetherman will either be a massive boon, or a waste of points.. depending on whether you draw a Dream Entity opponent.
We will release more snippets on many of the rules in coming weeks, but please feel free to download them and try them for yourselves!
Also, remember – those backers whom missed the 20% have until the end of the month to contact us directly for a special one shot code! This offer ends at the end of May, but please head over to;
And grab yourself a bargain or 2 now!!