SLA Industries : Momma.. i just ate a man..
SLA Industries
Cannibal Sector One
Momma.. i Just ate a man..

We have had some awesome renders back from our 3d Sculptor – however.. due to the disgusting and slightly.. ugly.. nature of these images, we have been advised to issue a warning to all SLA Customers that people of a sensitive nature may find this render disturbing..
In fact.. several of the test subjects whom have viewed this Miniature Render have reported that “they threw up in their mouth a little bit..” which, whilst very in keeping with the Cannibal Clan ethos, is not something we wish to be responsible for unleashing on the SLA fanbase as a whole..
So, we are giving you fair warning – we will shortly be posting images of the Cannibal Matriarch Renders. Any adverse effects, including but not limited to, psychological trauma or vomiting in ones mouth are purely the responsibility of the viewer, and neither Daruma nor SLA Industries can in no way accept responsibility for inducing such.
However – we would like to draw the readers attention to our new range of accessories and fashionwear, which may prove useful in this situation. In fact, SLA are so dedicated to putting their consumers first, that Research and Development are investigating the feasibility of a Unique Adult Cannibal Bib – which we would offer exclusively to all Cannibal Clan pre orderers..

In the meantime – we have now taken 22 pre orders for the Cannibal Clan starter sets, and Momma is well underway.. if we can reach 25 pre orders we will go ahead and have Momma 3d printed and move onto the next Cannibal miniature – but what will it be..?
Jordie – she is Mommas favourite..?
Piggies – gotta love the bacon! ?
We currently have a pre-release special on Fine Young Cannibals! We will put the full faction into production when we have taken 50 pre orders, but as the orders come in we get more and more of the miniatures rendered and 3d printed! We currently have 22 pre orders in, so are well on track to the 50! If you’ve been considering getting in on this amazing pre order, please don’t wait – the sooner we can get the 50 pre orders pledged, the sooner the Cannibals hit the table! And Momma’s hungry.. so best not keep her waiting!
So, who would like to see Momma??

Remember, the Bell of Lost Souls discount code “BoLs15” is still active! Get yourself 15% discount off any Daruma order.