SLA Industries – CS1 The Fall of Salvation Tower
SLA Industries:
Cannibal Sector One
“The Fall of Salvation Tower”
Cannibal Sector 1 is the first setting for the SLA Industries Skirmish Game – many players know it to be a Post Apocalyptic style wasteland, where the glittering spires of the high rises can be seen over the wall that separates CS1 from the rest of Mort. A wildly dangerous place, lethal to the unwary or unprepared.. Cannibal Sector 1 was not always thus, and was not always named such.. so, how did it come to be?
The trouble started 600 years ago, when SLA Industries was planning for the big push forward. It was a time for improving the stndard of living in neglected areas, in 300 SD (SLA / Standard Date). It was then merely called “Central Outskirts”.
SLA Industries planned to build a 375,000,000 C office block for SLA’s Civilian Department, the Society Security Organisation (S.S.O.). However, the S.S.O. lacked sufficient funds to run smoothly and see to the needs of Mort’s public and unemployment figures. To this end, SLA Industries awarded the S.S.O. a development grant to construct the enormous office block in Central Outskirts Sector 1.
It was to be called “Salvation Tower”, a Society Security Office built to organise the housing and accommodation for the homeless and the needy, it would deal with health and safety aspects in old Outskirts’ tenement blocks. Salvation Tower was also to act as an employment office that could strip the unemployment figures by seventy percent. It seemed like true salvation for the population, hope for the future, an ice-pack on the financial climate.
However, unknown to the World of Progress, the Salvation Tower was sealed with a curse. There were many unforseen factors which caused the fall in 300 SD, a massive disaster on a variation of levels.
In the first Century of the World of Progress, SLA Industries had already managed to cover the entire land mass of Mort, so as the Corporation grew, when there was no more room to build across, SLA built up to the skies and down into the Planet’s Core. Mort’s lower levels were and still are used for storage purposes, and in Central Outskirts, subterranean floors were converted into huge reservoirs for containment of water.
After the erection of Salvation Tower in Sector 1, 2 weeks before its grand opening – Mort suffered its first ecological disaster: it started to rain and it didn’t stop. The only optimistic aspect to arise from the weather change was that it completely depleted Mort’s drought problem. However, this is when the real disaster struck, a nightmare that gave birth to Downtown.
When the rain beat down on Mort, without a break for over a month, SLA decided that it was time to empty it’s precious reservoirs. Above them sat Salvation Tower.. when the reservoirs ran dry, the structural supports around them gave way and the giant building sank down. As it fell, the tower caused underground chaos, the building ripped down vital power cables in Central Outskirts.
The domino effect went into actin as surrounding buildings crashed to the ground, flattening sewers and subway access points. Tube trains collided with falling wrecking from towering apartments and thousands were killed in a catastrophe comparable to a huge earthquake.
The Whole of Central Outskirts fell apart almost instantaneously, as Salvation Tower fell, it failed to crumble or break up, the architects of SLA Industries had designed Salvation Tower to stand up to anything and it did, it merely sank twelve levels then stopped sinking whilst wide-scale disaster erupted around it.
What was left of Central Outskirts 1 to 5 were sealed off with huge armoured walls and conveniently forgotten about as SLA Industries raised the surviving populations’ hopes with their newest project, an enterprising scheme that would cater for the public’s needs quickly and efficiently.
600 years on, SLA Industries’ project has remained both faithful and futile, populated and poverty stricken to this day. The the civilians of Mort, the project was given no name and remained without until the sprawling mass and it’s masses spoke for itsele. A project, populace and place called Downtown.
Cannibal Sector One covers hundreds of square miles, is surrounded by a massive wall bristling with gun emplacements and manned by Shivers 24/7. Within the Sector are ruin after ruin, the torn and twisted wreckage of a dead society and inhabited by Cannibal Clans, Dark Night, Carrien, Scavs and worse.. It is into this setting that the CS1 Skirmish Game steps, as SLA Industries makes a bold effort to reclaim and pacify the Sector and to bring it back into the fold.
Be warned however, this is not the first Foray that the Shivers have made into the Sector, and the first attempt ended very very badly..
If there is truly a Hell on Mort, CS1 is it…
Clip Clop – Greater Carrien
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And join in the Battle for Cannibal Sector 1!
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