Shieldmaidens army get Bears – and a lot more!

The Campaign is doing just great and we appreciate the support and trust we have received very much!

Smiling is good for you

The project has already unlocked the first of the bears and a freebie Champion, but packing the plastic sprues is also a very interesting and requested SG!

Stretch goal 32,500 UNlocked  (JPEG)

Stretch goal 35,000 UNlocked  (JPEG)


And now on to alternative heads for our Shieldmaiden Plastic Infantry!

Alternative heads


Stretch goal 37,500 locked!  (JPEG)


We hope you are as excited about these as we are, the plastic kit is inevitably happening now so we are really looking forward to add as much stuff to our HIPS as possible!
The link to the Campaign can be found here.

Appreciate the time you took reading this.

The Shieldwolf Team.