Share Madriga for the next rune….
The bartender greets you a little nervously today, and makes little chit-chat. His eyes dart from shadow to shadow, making him look older, more mousy.
“One rune…that’s all we have…one rune,” he keeps muttering, cleaning the bar and looking around. Every corner of the room has a bright, burning torch, and yet, the shadows push in a little further.
“Maybe you can tell the tale of Madriga?”
Share on Facebook 50 times and she might hear our summons, and bring the next rune with her…
Due to the incoming darkness, the spirits have taken pity on us, and have asked less. Share the first rune on Facebook 450 times from here, and call the barbarian by tweeting 100 times, here.
You can also earn extra entries on our Deadzone giveaway by doing so – so once you’ve shared, grab the links and let us know here!