Season 4 is here!
DreadBall is about to get a whole lot bigger with the Season 4 Rulebook and 4 new teams.
Work in progress cover – Kovossian Mutants versus Mechanites!
Well you all knew this was coming, right
We always wanted to bring Dreadball back to kickstarter – to add more teams and more fun – but just a few teams didn’t seem, well – Mantic enough!!
So we now have Dreadball Xtreme – the underground version of Dreadball. I think the last few days has introduced us all to what THAT means.
But what are we doing now, and what does this kickstarter mean for DreadBall itself?
Well because all the miniatures work for both Xtreme and DreadBall Original we thought long and hard about the best way to present this. We decided that was a separate game and an expansion for Xtreme – and then separately and under the DreadBall banner more Season books for DreadBall Original.
The Season books will focus on the rules for the 4 new teams from the kickstarter and how they play in DreadBall Original. As always with Season books it will also add some other rules for the game. This means ALL the rules for Xtreme (for original and new team stats) will be covered in the Xtreme game and expansion.
We think this will give the clearest and cleanest split between the two games, and allow Dreadball to continue to go from strength to strength as new teams get added, and allow Xtreme to be a game in its own right.
It also means that this kickstarter just became DreadBall 2 – as all the new teams get rules and add into the basic game!!
So, if you want to add to your original game you can just add on the book and whichever of the new teams that you want!
So, what can you look forward to in Season 4…
Featuring rules for customizable teams, DreadBall Season 4 adds to the original game with the addition of stats, rules and background for the four new teams, expanding the original 12 teams to 16 with the addition of:
– The Convict Team!
The crowd love a good “bad-boy-come-good” story and with the Convicts they are no different. Everyone wants to see the underdogs do well – or have their faces slammed into the neodurium. For entertainment purposes, obviously.
– The Asterian Kalyshi Team!
“Real” Asterians or pretend wannabes? These ladies are quick, nimble and are sure to get hearts racing.
– Kovossian Mutants Plague Team!
These bogiemen don’t really exist, do they? Of course not – these mutants are just make-believe, particularly as Zombies are all the rage with the latest series of ACKNET’s “BRAINZZZZ,” airing every week at 8 on CorpNetwork.
– The Mechanites!
The DGB’s annual TekFest competition always attracts the brightest (and weirdest) minds the GCPS can produce, and the winners are invited to showcase their latest creations on the pitches of the Galaxy’s Greatest Sport. They’re not quite sure the wrecking balls meet guidelines, but the crowd seem to like them.
In addition, there will be rules for bionics and mutations, highlighted by the changeable Plague and Robot teams. Both of these teams contain a range of components that you can use to customize your figures with new abilities, including a selection of arms, heads and torsos…
And there’s more – the book will also contain rules, stats and background for introducing a brand new crop of MVPs to DreadBall!
– “Brickbat” Vognar (those of you who have Yurik will remember that Vognar is his nemesis!), Convict MVP
– Kailasa, Asterian Kalyshi MVP
– “Deadman” Davitz, Mutant MVP
– Asylum, Insane MVP
– and surely more to come
The DreadBall Season 4 Rulebook is our next stretch goal over on the DreadBall Xtreme Kickstarter once the Mechanites are locked in, but you can get it now with our new REFEREE Pledge Level.
For $15 we’ll send you a physical soft cover version of the book (includes shipping to the US and UK) and a digital PDF copy of the rulebook. Alternatively you can add it on to one of our existing pledges levels for just $10!
We’re not done with original DreadBall by any means – we will keep bringing out new teams and new MVPs to support the game as the total builds, as well as take it in new and interesting ways.
So please pop on over to the DreadBall Xtreme Kickstarter and check out what’s on offer – if you pledge now you will help us unlock the Mechanite Robot Team and the Season 4 book.
We would really appreciate that help – and if you haven’t pledged on Xtreme yet – we’d love to have you aboard another Mantic/Dreadball kickstarter! We recommend Rampage!
Thanks for reading!