Samurai Canal / Low Hill Set available now!
Have you been wondering what to do with your samurai bridges, now they’ve been on sale a few weeks? Don’t worry… we have you covered!
These canals fit even the smallest and cheapest 3D printers – available for as little as $100 recently! The cost for printing each section depends a little on your plastic, but is approximately $1.
For those without access to a 3d printer, we now have print retailers for our SAMURAI and NECRONTYR ranges set up in the US, the UK, New Zealand, and now Australia! See our site for the full retailer list…
Fancy some cinematic fights across blood-strewn canals? Then this is the set for you!
Here are the ninja assassins of a rival clan quickly dashing across the canal boats to assault the samurai defenders!
In addition to the thinner canal sides and step sections, the set also contains 12cm x 12cm central blocks, which can be used as great base sections for elevating your castle walls. Here we see some castle guards crossing the large wooden bridge to the castle gates, while a kimono-clad lady watches from above.
The corner sections for the canal sides are approximately 40mm x 40mm, and can also be used in this way to create small islands in the middle of the canals – ideally sized to match the smaller stone and wooden bridges from the Bridges Set.
The canal set also pulls double duty as low hills, with the waterside boat docks making great gentle steps up to buildings or ornamental gardens.
Here is a pic of all the set contents, separated for your reference.
The set also two large JPG images of water, which tile seamlessly and look great printed at A3 size.
This photo was the inspiration for the set – taken in present-day Yanagawa canal town in Fukuoka prefecture.
The canal set is available for download now!