Rage of the Elements LOKA tournament at the Mantic Open Day
Our first LOKA tournament is coming to the Mantic Open!
It is a team-based event, where you and your partner will engage other teams for victory. You can read all the rules for the tournament in the Tournament Pack here.

Either Ronnie’s focusing on learning the rules, or he’s trying to blow Alessio’s King over. Hard to say.
It’s set to be a great event and the perfect opportunity for you to use all those lovely models from the LOKA game, as well as attend the show and see what’s offer.
Mantic events are light-hearted affairs designed to be fun, so don’t worry if the competitive aspects doesn’t grab you – at worst you’ll be getting to play some great games against some great people And hey, you’ll get to meet the games designer as well!
The LOKA tournament is held on the 17th May – we hope to see you there!!