RAFM in the UK


If you’ve been around the gaming scene for a couple of decades or more you might well know of the works of RAFM, a Canadian company which has been going as long as Ral Partha and Grenadier and longer than the giant that is Citadel Miniatures. What does RAFM stand for? We don’t know, but we suspect it is Really Awesome Fantasy Miniatures as that’s what they produce! If you’re looking for classic-style wargames miniatures with character and substance (lead!) then look no further, RAFM have what you seek!

male-fighter female-fighter

For a while now it has only been possible to obtain RAFM’s catalogue (which still holds figures dating back to the early 80s) only from their website, with international shipping pushing up the price of these fine miniatures significantly. No more! Now if you live on the European side of the Atlantic you can order RAFM to your heart’s content from http://www.oakbound.co.uk/rafm in the UK. No more hefty postage for those one or two minis you want for your dungeon bash, tabletop RPG or miniature wargame. What’s more, Oakbound are offering to put any of RAFM’s products they don’t currently have in stock on their next order, so just let them know if there’s something you need. You can find the entire RAFM Fantasy range at http://www.rafm.com
