Punkapocalyptic: Mutard Bobblehead

No one knows exactly when the first mutants started to appear in the Punkapocalyptic world, but there were rumors about people with strange powers even before the population was expelled from the Megalopoli and thrown out to the Wasteland. Their origins can vary a lot; maybe all the chemical agents and radiation levels that accumulated in the marginal areas back in the days took a heavy toll on their inhabitants, or they might be the flawed outcomes of sinister genetic investigatory experiments, or just plain and simple natural selection. The fact is that their ranks have increased notably since people have been forced to live in the Wasteland.
Mutants are not very popular and most people have reactions that vary from grudging acceptance to hunting posses in some towns. Some individuals with small mutations try to hide their condition to the others, while those far beyond human appearance are shunned even in the most open-minded places. Most mutards have established themselves in their own settlements or gangs, whether to live in peace or to start a “pure” colony populated exclusively with what they see as the next evolutionary stage.
As a rule of thumb Mutards are not very well equipped, as usually nobody trades with them, but they possess a wide array of mutations that can counter that drawback.

Mutard Bobblehead

Among mutards those usually in charge are called Bobbleheads, individuals whose intellect has been boosted beyond human limits. Their superior brains allow them to achieve wonders such as telekinesis, telepathy, mental control… but in exchange for weak and crippled bodies. Some of them have lumps and over-developed brain mass, while others look like parasites attached to a human body. Truth is none of them is pretty.

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