Punkapocalyptic Junkers Indiegogo… FUNDED!!!

Holy sh*t, you did it! We have just funded our Indiegogo campaign, and it was all thanks to YOU, people! You are awesome, you really rock. THANK YOU!


And now… let’s unlock some of those fraggin’ extras!
Visit our campaign, still running for another 15 days!

Please note that, as a token of gratitude for all of you who made this possible, we have swapped the position of second and third unlockable stretch goals. That means that the first free miniature, the Junker Piston with Harpoon gun, is now closer to go home with all backers with access to the free extras: now it will unlock at 9,000 euros, and the free Extra Piston Arm with Ballistic punch moves to 10,000 euros.

13Extra3 (1)

Ain’t that cool, or what?
