[Punkapocalyptic] Campaign progress

It has been a while now since our Indiegogo campaign ended, so we are going to show you the current state of things:

The resin Scenic Bases unlockable extra is more than finished and in our hands, ready to be added to all the shipments..

PeanasThe first two miniatures are already modelled (a Leonardo Escovar master work) and their production fully completed, and they have even been painted by Bigchild Creatives to use their pictures in the final packagings.

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The rest of the Junkers miniatures (those who complete the basic Starter Pack and the Piston you unlocked as free add-on) are also fully modelled. Two of them have been 3D designed by RN Estudio (who already has the master casts printed and ready) and other two modelled with green stuff in the old way by Sergio Alonso which right now are under mass production and painting processes. Although you can not see it in the pictures, the extra arm with Ballistic punch for the Piston with bowler hat (the one we unlocked for free as a gift for you all) is also ready to go. Production and painting of all these Junkers miniatures will be undertaken by the Bigchild Creatives crew, as usual, being all copies made in metal.

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Besides all that, Eightfingers, the Indiegogo campaign exclusive miniature, is already modelled and its master cast fully printed. Right now it is under production, but with this miniature the copies will be made in high-quality resin by RN Estudio itself.


As you can see everything goes as planned to be delivered on December at the latest, meeting the deadline announced during the campaign.

And remember that we will soon be raffling 5 Crazy Mel miniatures, which will be our next release, among those of you who have contributed to our Indiegogo campaign with a “Scrapbridge neighbor” pledge level or higher.


Thank you all for your support and we hope everything is up to your expectations. Remember that those of you who haven’t been able to contribute to our campaign will have all these miniatures for sale (except Eightfingers, which was an Indiegogo exclusive) soon enough, but always after the backers have received their well earned stuff.


Remember you have more info on our webpage, at our Facebook or on Twitter.
