Preparing for War II – Ronnie
We march together…
One of the big decisions for me was deciding to put them on unit bases. This was something I had resisted the first time I started painting this army (about 4 years ago when Mantic launched the Dwarfs) – back then I still used 20mm bases for each model.
It was about ½ way through the first KoW run that
- I thought it was time I had my own KoW army – and I am ashamed to say at this point I got someone to paint an army for me
- That the unit bases made things really easy.
It is by no means ‘rules’ that you have to use unit bases, and I have seen many great armies for KoW with single bases.
At that time what swung it for me was the ease of use – both during set up and through the battle.
However, when I came to do my Dwarf Army I realized this time that I could realy make that as part of the theme and use it to bring a style to the whole force.
Oh – and it is tough to get the Mantic Dwarfs to rank up properly on 20mm bases, so just by dropping a couple of models the base still looks like 20 figures (which I think it should do to be fair to your opponent) but removed that problem.
I decided on a rocky style (Dwarfs on mountains – surely not!) and set about stealing some bark, and small pieces of slate.
I am really pleased with the unit basing. Yes it is much easier to transport and use in game, but what I really like is the overarching theme and style the whole army now has, and other than the colour scheme I think it is the basing that does that.