Pre-Order: Dad’s Army Home Guard Platoon boxed set
We’re delighted to be able to show off our officially licenced Dad’s Army Home Guard platoon boxed set. Based on the long-running TV series, these superb miniatures are now available to pre-order!
During the dark days of 1940, Britain was under dire threat of Nazi invasion. A massive citizen army, the Local Defence Volunteers, was raised to defend their families and homes. Although armed with old or ad hoc weapons and equipment the Home Guard, as it became known, was a vital part of the defence of British shores. Based on these proud defenders of the realm, the classic TV series, Dad’s Army produced some of television’s most enduring catchphrases and characters as it followed the adventures of Walmington-on-Sea’s Home Guard platoon.
The boxed set contains 18 superbly detailed miniatures sculpted by Paul Hicks – representations of the cast of the classic TV series, Dad’s Army in civilian and Home Guard attire! Included are Captain Mainwaring, Sergeant Wilson, Lance-Corporal Jones, Privates Pike, Walker, Frazer and Godfrey, plus Warden Hodges, the Verger and Reverend Farthing.
Also included are plastic bases and a leaflet chronicling Dad’s Army and how you can field them in games of Bolt Action on the tabletop…
Manager of Swallow Bank by day, leader of Walmington-on-Sea’s Home Guard force by night, Mainwaring is a pillar of the community and portrays the never-say-die spirit that saw Britain through it’s darkest days. That said, his pompous approach and over-inflated sense of self-importance gets him into bother more often than not…
A distinguished veteran of the First World War, Arthur Wilson is something of a ladies man – as his effect on PIke’s mum shows! A man of breeding, Wilson has a less than authoritarian approach to discipline “would you mind awfully falling in please?” followed by “thank you so much”.
Local Butcher and veteran of many previous conflicts (as he is want of reminding everyone), Jones’ many catchphrases run throughout the show…
“The first thing to remember: There’s no substitute for cold steel.
They do not like it up ‘em, they DON’T LIKE IT UP ‘EM”
Youngest of Walmington-on-Sea’s Home Guard platoon, teenager Frank Pike lives with his mum having moved to the town at the same time as ‘Uncle Arthur’ Wilson – something of a source of gossip!
Walker can get hold of anything – for a price! As a black market spiv (or ‘wholesale supplier’, as he prefers to be known…), regularly interrupts Mainwaring’s long-winded speeches. Walker is a popular if somewhat shifty member of the platoon.
“We’re doomed!”. Frazer’s catchphrase is amongst the most popular of the series as the dour Scotsman sees the bleak side of many a plan. The wild-eyed Frazer saw service during the First World War as an officer (and cook) in the Navy and as a result balks at the incompetance of the platoon’s officer and NCOs
Although well-liked by the others in the platoon, retired shop assistant Godfrey’s relaxed demeanour, weak bladder (“Do you think I might be excused?”) and tendency to fall asleep can lead some to see him as a bit of a liability. Godfrey’s true background shows something far from it, however…
The platoon’s nemesis – Mainwaring in particular, whom he refers to as “Napoleon” – Hodges is a greengrocer by day but also dons the black and white uniform of the area’s Chief Air Raid Warden. This level of responsibility has gone to his head and his arrogance boils over into outright antagonism of the Home Guard in the town, often resorting to blackmail to get his way…
One half of the double act played with the Vicar, the Verger fawns over Reverend Farthing, often referring to him wrongly as “Your Reverence”. Clearly antagonistic of the Home Guard he often refers to them as ‘vanadals’ due to damage caused to the Church Hall in which the platoon meet following their HQ being bombed.
The somewhat camp Reverend Farthing is caught in the middle of the feud between the pompous Mainwaring and the uncouth Hodges. That he also has to share the church all with them doesn’t help matter and whilst he tries to remain impartial he invariably gets caught up in their escapades…