Pocket General
Hi there,
We’re here to share our brand new project with you. Pocket General is the solution for space, time and money starved gamers. Pocket General is a 6mm wargaming system which allows you to play any tabletop game in miniature. It provides everything you could need to play; a game board, an army, battlefield terrain and other accessories in a box small enough to easily fit in a bag or rucksack.
Pocket General does not set out to replace other wargames, as there is little that can compare to the satisfaction of a game with your beautifully painted tabletop force, but when this is not possible, when you want to playtest a list as quickly and easily as possible or maybe just squeeze in a game against a friend, Pocket General provides the perfect solution. We feel that 6mm gaming provides an excellent way to get a friend into your favourite wargame, as there is a much smaller investment necessary to get involved with the hobby.
The members of the Pocket General Team are both avid wargamers, and have been for many years. Perhaps like many of you, we came across issues with time and space (and money) to play our favourite games. In an effort to address these issues not only for ourselves but also for the (we hope) many like us we came up with this stellar concept. Our crack two person team consists of CAD modeller Andy, the mastermind behind the operation and Graphic Designer George, the wordsmith and brand manager of this humble project.
We are still in the prototyping phase but aim to launch our Kickstarter campaign for the project soon, until then you can find us at our website, our Facebook page, our Twitter Account (@pocket_general) or you can check out updates on our project log on Bell of Lost Souls (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?48862-Pocket-General-6mm-Pocket-Wargaming). We are always looking to get feedback! Below are some images of our latest prototype.
The Pocket General Team.