Player Manual – Reveal #6

Xtreme is the galaxy’s most brutal sport and offers a brutal spin on the original DreadBall formula.

It is arguably a better game than the original, and we’ve got some great support coming for it in July.

In today’s reveals, we’ll take a look at this support and cap off with a cool competition with a mega prize. Our first blog of the day zooms in on the Player Manual.

DreadBall Xtreme Player Manual

DreadBall Xtreme offers many unique bits of gameplay, though nothing quite as dynamic as choosing which players go into your team.



In Xtreme, you will assume the roles of a Sponsor: either Blaine or the Prison Warden Rasulov. (You can find out more about them on the DreadBall Xtreme website here.)

Rather than having a set team composition, Sponsors can pick players from the Convicts, Kalyshi or the Free Agents team. There are some restrictions – you must spend at least 50 MC on at least four players – and certain players are cheaper if they suit the Sponsor’s personality.

With the Xtreme Player Manual, this system is vastly expanded…

You can play any DreadBall team in DreadBall Xtreme

The Player Manual contains rules for building your own Sponsors, and we’ve built a selection of custom Sponsors with all of the necessary traits to use the current DreadBall team compositions in DreadBall Xtreme.

What this means is that the Xtreme Player Manual includes everything you need to play an existing DreadBall team in DreadBall Xtreme, in one simple book.

You can build your own team from any player in the DreadBall range

There are 4 new Sponsors outlined in the DreadBall Xtreme Player Manual. Along with Blaine and the Warden, each of the new sponsors has their own unique personality and preferences when it comes to building a team.

These are called Groups.

The Player Manual also includes all of the rules and stats for every different type of player in DreadBall – including MVPs and Giants. These DreadBall players are assigned Groups and three different costs, depending if there relationship with a Sponsor is a Stranger (0 matching groups), Ally (1 matching group) or Friend (2+ matching groups).

Depending on the number of matching groups a Sponsor and a DreadBall player have determines the player’s price in MC.

For example, the Shojuun has the following groups: Outcast, Psycho, Vicious, Cunning and Vat Brother.


These groups mean that you can create and play with a team that includes…

1 x Phantasm MVP

2 x Kalyshi Strikers

2 x Hobgoblin Jacks

That’s a pretty odd-ball team, but an interesting mix of special abilities presents a very difficult – and very different – challenge for your opponent.

If this has caught your interest you can find out more details about the DreadBall Xtreme Player Manual next week.

Watch out for our second blog later today.