Out of the Labyrinth
Four Descent Lieutenant Packs Are Now Available
A perilous and mysterious city awaits in the ruins of Sudanya, a lost civilization on the edges of Terrinoth. Horrid creatures haunt the heroes’ every step, but powerful allies may successfully guide them through a twisting maze of rugged wilderness and broken cityscape.
The ruins of Sudanya hold a strange allure for both the adventurer and the treasure hunter, but the darkness of the ruined city is now free to terrorize the rest of Terrinoth. Four lieutenants that first appeared with the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition are now available in Descent Lieutenant Packs through our webstore or at your local retailer!
Like other Lieutenant Packs, each of these expansions introduces a detailed plastic figure to replace the lieutenant token from Labyrinth of Ruin. As well as the sculpted figure, each Lieutenant Pack contains a ten-card Plot deck, inviting you to channel the special talents of a lieutenant over the course of any campaign outside of the Labyrinth of Ruin! (For the full Descent Lieutenant Pack rules, visit the Descent support page.)
Choose Your Fate
Not all those who live near Sudanya are devoted to the overlord. In our first preview of these Lieutenant Packs, we explored the Serena Lieutenant Pack and the Raythen Lieutenant Pack. Both of these Lieutenant Packs differ from others by including two sculpted plastic figures for you to use!
Serena and Raythen are characters the heroes encounter during the Labyrinth of Ruin campaign. Based on the heroes’ actions, these characters may remain friendly to your cause as an ally, or they may be seduced by the promise of power, becoming lieutenants of the overlord. In these Lieutenant Packs, one of these figures represents the character as a hero, and the other figure shows that character as a lieutenant.
As an added bonus, both Lieutenant Packs include hero sheets, allowing you to play Serena or Raythen as a hero in a campaign. Alternatively, you can use the included Plot deck to spread evil, using Serena or Raythen as an agent of the overlord. The fate of these characters is in your hands with these Lieutenant Packs.
Denizens of the Wreckage
Serena and Raythen are not the only notable characters within Sudanya. A powerful sorceress and illusionist, Ariad’s Lieutenant Pack was the subject of our second preview. With powerful mirages and conjurations, you can use Ariad’s power to lead the heroes astray, forcing them away from their objectives and bringing them closer to ultimate destruction.
If the magical trickery of Ariad isn’t your style, you’ll find raw power and animal cunning in the Queen Ariad Lieutenant Pack, the subject of our third preview of the lieutenants from the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion. Whether you’re boosting the power of your Wilderness monsters or getting more benefit from your Trap Overlord cards, Queen Ariad’s Plot deck has plenty to offer the overlord. The webs of Queen Ariad’s power are tangled throughout the ruins of Sudanya, and soon, all of Terrinoth will fear the spider queen.
On the Loose
The lieutenants from Labyrinth of Ruin have left Sudanya, and their evil is spreading throughout the realm. Four new Descent Lieutenant Packs are now available at your local retailer! Pick up your favorites today.