Open Day tomorrow…
Hi guys! I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone that’s coming at the Open Day tomorrow, but if you’re on the fence, I thought I’d share the deals that we’re running exclusively at the event tomorrow, to perhaps entice you.
- Project Pandora for £10!
- Buy a Dreadball team or Booster and get MVP free of charge
- Buy a Deadzone Faction Starter and get a merc free of charge
- 3 for 2 on KoW and Warpath boxsets
- We’ll be announcing more offers on the Facebook page!
- There will be crazy box deals at £14.99 (like the Christmas ones)
If you’re coming, say hiya on our Facebook shout out thread.
Tomorrow, I’ll do my best to live blog the event, and let everyone that can’t make it know what’s going on. I’ll get photos too!
And to confirm – we’re going to be able to take both card and cash for your purchases at Open Day, so feel free to come and enjoy yourself, grab a bargain and have a blast with other gamers. It’s going to be a great day!