Ninja All-Stars Rules Download and Public Beta

As promised the complete rules for Ninja All-Stars are now available, and we’re looking for your feedback!

The Beta is our opportunity to gather feedback from our fans in order to polish the rules system for our newest game.

Do you need to read the rules?

Nope! If you’re perfectly happy with the articles we’ve done (more on their way!) you do not need to read this entire draft document. The final rulebook will include lots of lovely diagrams and layout to make the rules super easy to understand.

The public beta is for backers who love to get into the meat of the game, and are okay with navigating a pdf that is all “crunch”.

What do you do?

  • Read the rules. 
  • Play some games. Playing games is vital to providing feedback on a new game. We will weight feedback based on actual game experience over theory and conjecture. You can use any square based board game you have to stand in for the pieces.
  • Post your feedback on the Soda Pop Miniatures, Ninja All-Stars forums. It is important that you post your feedback in the Public Beta Feedback thread. Posting feedback anywhere else may cause it to get missed!

What are we looking for?

  • Balancing koban cost to recruit ninja. 
  • Missing rules. Do we mention something and then never explain it?
  • Clarity and Proofreading. This is still a beta draft so there are sure to be some errors. Help us spot them!
  • Ambiguity. We want the rules to be concise and easy to understand.

What we are NOT looking for.

We have played many, many games using the rules, as have our playtesters. We are happy with the rules and enjoy the mechanics.

  • Complete rewrites.
  • Core mechanics changes.
  • Petitions. We appreciate passion, but a well thought out feedback entry will do more to inform the final game than even the most well intentioned petition/straw poll.

A note on notations. As you go through the rules you’ll find several items marked out with “!X!” these are tags for us to use when we go to layout. Just ignore them on your read through.

We will not make every change you suggest. It’s nothing personal, we will often receive feedback suggesting multiple ways to change the same thing, and ultimately it is up to us to decide the final method.



THESE ARE NOT FINAL RULES. Just one last reminder that these rules are still in progress and will change before the final version.

The public beta will run 2 weeks, until April 13th!