Ninja All-Stars Late Pledge


The Ninja All-Stars Late Pledge is available for a limited time only!

The Late Pledge will give you access to the Ninja All-Stars pledge manager once it becomes available. At that time you will be able to choose your specific pledge, increase your pledge for additional items, and pay for shipping.

The Late Pledge includes ALL stretch goals that were unlocked!

If you want more than one pledge, please only pledge ONCE, you will be able to add more items later in the pledge manager.

When purchased, this item will automatically add Ninja Stars to your account. DO NOT spend the stars on other items–they are your ticket to the pledge manager!

If you have already pledged for the Ninja All-Stars Kickstarter you DO NOT need to get a Late Pledge, even if you only pledged $1. We will send you a link to the pledge manager when it becomes available.

For full details on Ninja All-Stars visit the Kickstarter or

Thank you for Backing!


If you are paying via PayPal, they require us to provide the following disclaimer: Soda Pop Miniatures will make a best effort to provide your chosen rewards, but delivery is not guaranteed.

Soda Pop Miniatures considers this item to be part of the Ninja All-Stars Kickstarter campaign and subject to all the details, policies and accountability we have set for our campaign. For more detail on the project, including Risks & Challenges and Refund Policy please visit the Kickstarter.