Ninja All-Stars Kickstarter Update: Pretty Painted Models

We hope you all are hard at work on forging your own katanas and shuriken, preparing for total Ninja World Domination.

Lets update!


Not much has changed since last week on development. We are still working with the manufacturer to get molds of the models built. Layout of the rulebook and various reference cards continues.

When we have major milestones, we will make sure to update you!

Pledge Manager

We’re not quite ready to start the pledge manager yet. It is on track to begin next week, and we will do a full update for when it is live.

Once again, here is a basic overview of how it will work:

  • The pledge manager is run through the Soda Pop Store.
  • If you do not have a Soda Pop account we will create one using the e-mail you provided us with in the survey, and send you the login information.
  • If you have a Soda Pop account we will verify it against the address you provided us with in the survey.
  • Your Soda Pop account will be credited a number of Ninja Star Points equal to the value of your pledge.
  • Choose which pledge rewards and Shojo’s Shop items you wish to receive.
  • During checkout, apply your Ninja Star Points towards the items you selected.
  • After Ninja Star Points have been applied you will be charged the difference for shipping and for any additional items you may have selected.

We will provide a full tutorial once the pledge manager goes live.

Painted Models!

For those of you who follow our facebook, you’ve already witnessed some beautiful paint jobs of our prototype models that Minx Studio has been posting. We thought we should share them with all of the backers, because they are just stunning. These are 3D prints of the actual models you will be receiving. Exciting!

Ijin Oni

Tanchyo Kaiken

Tanchyo Zenyou Ryu

Tora Chunin

Kitsune Kunoichi

Yamazaru Madoushi

UK Game Expo

I will be at the UK Games Expo next week along with Ninja Dave. Due to time zones and convention insanity, the update may be slightly off from the normal window. Don’t Panic! WeWILL have an update next week — because we always have our update.

If you’re going to be at the Expo make sure to drop by the booth and say, “hello!”


If you’re stateside, we will also be attending Origins and having a super awesome Super Dungeon coloring contest, in addition to our normal booth activities. It’s sure to be lots of fun!

Bakusho Modai Update: $541,929

Until next update–