Ninja All-Stars Kickstarter unlocks $150,000! FAQ, More Wallpaper!

We did a sneak attack unlock of our $150,000 stretch goal last night, unlocking Byakko, Akkorokamui, and Clan Yamazaru all in one fell swoop!

But we still need to mark this awesome time with some cool new wallpapers and avatars!

But first lets go over some of questions we’ve been getting about our brand new pledges.

Where did the All-Star pledge go? Do I need to change my pledge?

No! The Ninja Master Pledge includes everything the All-Star pledge contains plus extras! If you don’t want to switch your pledge manually, we will automatically upgrade your All-Star pledge at the end of the Kickstarter with the extra content.

Which pledge should I choose?

That’s really up to you! Both pledges have the complete rules for the game and are excellent deals. Ninja Master is ideal if you have not yet pledged allegiance to a single clan and want to have ninja that can easily be used for any clan. Elemental Master is perfect if already know your favorite clans and know you only want their models.

How do I get all of the shrine ninja and all of the clan ninja?

$200 for both pledges will make it so you get all 4 shrine ninja teams and have your choice of 6 clan boxes. Which also gets you 2x the stretch goals! Alternatively, you pledge for Ninja Master (or stick with All-Star) and add $30 for each additional clan you want.

How do I get both pledges or other items from Shojo’s Shop?

Click on the “Manage Pledge” button. Increase your pledge by the amount of the additional rewards you want to receive. At the end of the Kickstarter you will use the pledge manager to select your rewards.

We will continue answer questions in the comments section and posting common answers in the FAQ at the bottom of the front page!

Download Ratio: 1920x1080
Download Ratio: 1920×1080
Download Ratio: 1920x1200
Download Ratio: 1920×1200

Next up lets get ready to hire the Dark Kitsune!