Ninja All-Stars: Dark Kitsune Unlocked! More Free Stretch Goals Revealed. Kitsune!

$175,000 has been reached and the villainous (misunderstood?) Dark Kitsune Ronin is now available for hire from Shojo’s Shop!

Since we just unlocked one stretch goal it’s time to reveal another one—

Or 2…

Maybe 3…

Wait 4…

Ya, lets go with 4. Oh….it looks like they were hiding in between our other stretch goals! We do love our ninja sneaky. Sneaky ninja stretch goals!

Both Ninja Master and Elemental Master will receive the Ronin Howl & Yip for FREE!

All Clan Boxes will be upgraded to include 1 Oni.

Both Ninja Master and Elemental Master will receive the Ika Hero Mizuchi for FREE!

The Ronin: Komuso will be available for hire at Shojo’s Shop.

Both Ninja Master and Elemental Master will receive the Ijin Hero Yobuko for FREE!

Both Ninja Master and Elemental Master will receive the Tora Hero Ryu for FREE!

Oh, look! 

Here is another stretch goal hiding over here behind 1500 Backers. Silly Kitsune.

At 1500 Backers the Kitsune Clan will be available as a Clan Box choice!

New Wallpapers!

Our wallpapers are proving incredibly popular, so we made some more.



Lets not forget the Ronin!




Rules Developer Q&A in General Comments

Ninja All-Stars Lead Designer, Dave Freeman will be in the comments section this evening (USA) answering your questions about the Ninja All-Stars rules.

Pop in and say hello, ask a question, and drink some sake!

Until next update—
