New year why not try a new rules system…at a discount!
We appreciate lately that some of you might not believe this but we do have other cracking rule systems besides Bolt Action!!
We have decided for the rest of January 2014, that is until the 1st February 2014, to offer a hefty discount on Hail Caesar, Black Powder and Pike & Shotte making these great rules sets even more accessible.
As we are really awesome at Warlord we have decided to also offer a discount on all the supplements too, that’s each of the Hail Caesar army lists, Albion Triumphant 1 – The Peninsular Campaign and Last Argument of Kings.
The Zulu! Black Powder supplement and Albion Triumphant 2 – The Hundred Days Campaign are not included as they are too new for this nonsense!!
So as it says above its a New Year so why not try a New gaming system at a more then reasonable price?