New Season, Fresh Blood: Meet the Teams! Pt2
With DreadBall Season 4 just around the corner the new teams take the spotlight. Let’s meet this season’s remaining signings: the Nemion Oceanics and Rallion Roses!
Nemion Oceanics
With their homeworld devastated, you might expect the Sphyr to be on the warpath. Certainly they have more than most races to be annoyed at the GCPS for after their world and their civilisation was destroyed. Instead of declaring war, they’ve taken to the DreadBall pitch, though it’s possible that they think it’s the same thing.
The Sphyr are a solid and well-rounded team that eschews fancy tactics and bizarre technological tricks for simple hard work and well-proven skills. They lack any specific strength, but equally have little in the way of obvious weaknesses. For this reason they are a reliable team that is far harder to beat than many opponents expect.
They stink, both metaphorically and literally, but that doesn’t stop the Hobgoblins making the best of their admission to the big leagues. Now that they have found their way in, they are here to stay. Even if that way is through the side door.
The Hobgoblins are a very well equipped DreadBall team. Coming in with 2 Coaching Dice and the 1 DreadBall card, the basic players also have the Stench special rule, meaning they project threat hexes in all direction, not just the front.
The star of the team however is the practically Giant sized Hulk who not rolls additional dice for armour checks, slams and slambacks in addition to being a guard, but he can also brush aside an opponent, pushing them out of the way, and is steady. Incredible!
The Year of DreadBall kick-offs in January with Season 4. The newest expansion for the Futuristic Sports Game is accompanied by Brokkr and Rebs Team, Neodurium Knuckle Draggers MVP All-Stars and Fans and Cheerleader set, which are now available to pre-order and will start shipping at the end of January. The Sphyr, Hobgoblins and the Fan Favourites MVP All-Stars will start shipping in February.
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