New Season, Fresh Blood: Meet the Teams! Pt1
With DreadBall Season 4 just around the corner the new teams take the spotlight. Let’s meet this season’s newest signings: The Unincorporated and the Rotatek Rockslides!
The Unincorporated
There may be a whole different bunch of species in the Rebs team, but they are all pulling in the same direction: against the GCPS! They use their newfound position within the leagues to advance their agenda and undermine the dastardly Council! Within certain reasonable limits, of course.
Depending on the exact mix of races and roles on the pitch at the time, the team can be fast, strong or highly skilled. This flexibility offers the skilled Coach a toolkit of options that can be adapted to play against any style.
Rotatek Rockslides
Brokkrs play a more aggressive game than their dourer Forge Father kin, but they can still surprise an unwary opponent – especially with their unusually tough Strikers! They may look similar to the Forge Fathers, but these boys play a whole different game!
The biggest thing you’ll notice about the Brokkrs is that none of their players, not even the Striker, can be knocked down as a result of a slam – the entire team is Steady!
The DreadBall Season 4 teams differ from the previous twelve teams in that they all come match-ready – all of the models are pre-assembled and ready to play with right out of the box. There’s also alternate component for Keepers included in the set which simply plus in, whilst each kit also comes with characterful prone figures to mark models that have been knocked over.
Not only does this mean that you don’t have to deal with any fiddly assembly any more, you also get miniatures that you would have had to purchase separately, saving you money – all you need is what’s in the box!
Which will you play?
The Year of DreadBall kick-offs in January with Season 4. The newest expansion for the Futuristic Sports Game is accompanied by Brokkr and Rebs Team, Neodurium Knuckle Draggers MVP All-Stars and Fans and Cheerleader set, which are now available to pre-order and will start shipping at the end of January.
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