New: Plastic Napoleonic British Line Infantry
Our latest plastic boxed sets take us back to the Napoleonic Wars! We are now adding two British Line Infantry sets to our existing French and Russian plastic ranges…
Available to buy today are Peninsular War British Line Infantry and Waterloo British Line Infantry – ready to march into battle and crush the tyrant Bonaparte’s armies!
Artist Peter Dennis has once again worked his magic with both box covers as the 45th (Nottinghamshire) regiment of foot marches under the beating sun of the Iberian Peninsular whilst on the rain-sodden fields at Waterloo the 1st Royal Scots head into battle under overcast skies.
As you can see, a painted regiment wearing trademark stovepipe shakos is a glorious sight – a sight which no red-blooded Englishmen should be able to resist! We also expect them to appeal to those of a foreign persuasion too…
Each box contains 36 miniatures – 30 plastic line infantry troopers, plus a metal command group of an officer, a sergeant (with separate arms for wielding cane or spontoon, as you prefer), a pioneer, a drummer and two ensigns. There are also a selection of full colour paper flags included for you to complete your companies in style.
Quick to Build
These great new sets are designed to be quick to assemble, being just 3 parts – head, backpack and body – after all you need plenty of men for Napoleonic battles so you don’t want to spend hours and hours before you even pick up a paint brush let lone see them on the tabletop!
Donning the more modern Belgic shako, the Waterloo campaign troops would generally wear grey trousers rather than the white seen during the Peninsular campaign
Flank Companies
We’ve given one in five men ‘swallow’s nest’ epaulettes, denoting them as members of the flank companies – either Light Companies or Grenadiers. There are also spare epaulettes that you can use to vary the pose in your flank companies. Alternatively, the epaulettes are easy to pare off with a scalpel if you want every man to be in the centre company.
Find Out More…
If all this talk of different companies is somewhat confusing and you don’t know your Peninsular War from your Hundred Days Campaign, don’t worry – we’ll be running a series of articles to get you caught up over the next few weeks.
Of course you can dive straight in and grab our two Albion Triumphant books which cover these two wars in detail for games of Black Powder:
Keep your eyes on our Warlord Games email newsletter – we have plenty more on the way for the Napoleonic wargamer…
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