New partner: Smok Sculptures in Hexy-Shop!


Today, we welcome a new Polish artist in – Smok Sculptures.
A person who hides under this name is an extremely talented sculptor and passionate designer. Miniatures that came out of his hand can be found in several well-known games and products series. It is very likely that you know his works, just you do not know that they are his works!


The “Smok” is very busy – but sometimes, very rarely, he manages to find time for himself and then… he sculpts miniatures.
This is how some miniatures signed by Smok Sculptures logo were created (and another will appear in near future).
For a start we get miniatures of Kaer, Gnome Adventurer; Dwarf, Pirate / Slayer; Demon Hunter and Ann, The Spearwoman!




From today you can find them in our offer and on eBay. We hope that this will be the beginning of a fruitful collaboration.

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