New: Osprey Publishing US Army Soldier 2003-04

The US Marines had a tough task; learn about this group of soldiers who fought in Baghdad with this new book featuring photos and detailed and colourful artwork. A great resource for Project Z players for their Special Operations units!


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US Army Soldier Baghdad 2003-04

  • Number of Pages: 64
  • Author: Kenneth W Estes
  • Illustrator: Howard Gerrard

In April 2003, after brief combat, Baghdad fell under US control and the Coalition Provisional Authority was formed to maintain order until a new Iraqi government became a reality. This book details the stabilization operations and the experiences of US Task Force 1st Armored Division (TF 1AD), whose soldiers lived and fought under extreme conditions and whose activities were center stage in the controversial debate surrounding the initial occupation of Iraq. Soldiers’ personal experiences from recruitment, training, and armed combat to their aftermath and effects emerge from interviews and new documentation by author Kenneth W. Estes in his account of this crucial military campaign.

US Army in Project Z

Now you have learned about the US Marines who fought in Baghdad, use the similar spec ops team in Project Z!


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