New Judge Dredd force – the Citi-Def Squad!
This week we add a new force to the world of the Judge Dredd miniatures game – the Citi-Def!
The Citi-Def is the official Citizens Defence corps and apart from The Justice Department, the Citi-Def are the closest thing the Mega-Cities have to a standing army. Membership is on a voluntary basis but it does tend to attract hotheads, and troublemakers as a result. Although often the butt of jokes by the general populace and a source of consternation by the Justice Department, the Citi-Def can provide a valuable resource as shown in conflicts such as the Apocalypse War and Second Robot War.
Citi-Def soldiers sign up for one of three reasons; either they are bored from their long days of unemployment, have a deep patriotic sense to defend Mega-City One, or have watched far too many action-vids. They are all, however, crazy once a spit gun gets put in their hands.
Medical technicians who join Citi-Def units are never short for work, patching up injuries and performing emergency surgery – usually on unintentionally self-inflicted wounds. They quickly learn to avoid the most trigger happy soldiers, but often take breathtaking risks when one of their unit goes down.
Not all Citi-Def units have a Jaeger squad but those who do include such men in their ranks are often considered to be elite forces (elite being a relative term…). Each member of the Jaeger squad is a full-time Citi-Def soldier who has dedicated himself to protecting his block against all enemies. Training hard in infiltration skills and the disruption of communications, the Jaeger squad is as close to a true commando unit as any Citi-Def is likely to get.
The Citi-Def officer is different from the soldiers he commands. He is not a weekend warrior living out his action-hero dreams but a career soldier dedicated to the protection of the city. It is his responsibility, as a guardian of Mega-City One, to ensure his fellow citizens do not suffer invasion as they have in the past. In all likelihood, it is the Citi-Def officer who has organised the latest block war, simply to provide real-world training for his men…
Aside from being able to field these models using the Citi-Def force listing, they can also be used in the colourful Apocalypse War Resistance Unit and as mercenaries by several other factions.