New: Connectors for ‘The Citadel’ plus Towers, Walls and Gates
Form your ranks and prepare the oil, time to build and defend your castles with ‘The Citadel’ Plastic Castle set:
With the individual component parts available separately now, some of you have been asking for more! – Today we have the wall connectors, both types of angles, as loose items, giving you the opportunity to create your own bespoke defensive structure – whether it be a lone guard tower standing firm against a determined attacker, or an elaborate system of city walls to protect your prized capital…
Whatever your intention – take a look below at what’s on offer, and start plotting the defenses – for the attackers are almost upon us!
New Connectors
Round Tower
Standard Wall
Wall Gates
…and of course, remember that we’ve bundled together four Circular Towers, 5 sections of Standard Walls, and a set of Wall Gates to create ‘The Citadel’…