New 3D printer inhouse!
First of all – worry not, Envisiontec is still our main machine we use for the most demanding tasks. But we often need to work on larger projects (vehicles and terrain for example) – and that’s where 3d printer with bigger build volume and lower maintenance costs would come handy.
Our previous printer that falls into this category proved a bit unreliable – thus we’ve looked for alternative. In the end we’ve settled on Form2 – and I’m happy to report it was a good choice.
It’s rock solid – no failed prints so far. It’s also super easy to use – Formlabs really seems to thought this one out. Things like heated resin tray, enclosed optics make a tremendous difference. All the small quirks that plagued their previous machines are gone. Form2 is ready to print within minutes after unboxing.
I’m also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the models it churns out. While not on the Envisiontec level, for quite a bit of miniatures it is good enough and really perfect for vehicles and busts.
Thus at this point we can not only offer extremely hi-res print service as we did so far, but also very good general purpose prints for bigger stuff and for those on tighter budget (30mm miniature would cost around 70EUR on Aureus, while it would be 25EUR on Form2) . If you’re interested in giving it try check out our 3d printing page and send us a sample project for a quote:
Just to mark my words here are a couple of samples done on our Form2: