If you’re looking forward to printing a big ol’ batch of monsters and buildings for Monsterpocalypse, you’re not going to be waiting too much longer. Here’s the scoop on how things are progressing…
Our first wave, which includes Planet Eater and Guard Units, Gorghadra, Defender X, and neutral buildings as well as Anglax and the Apex Monsters (my new favorite band name) are all supported and ready to go.* We’ve been test printing them along the way and they’re coming out great.
Then there’s Nightmare “$#@!” Gallamaxus, who has to try and ruin it for everyone. While supporting him, a weird clipping hole (that’s a technical term) was discovered in an innocuous place on the underside of his left claw. We’re going to try to emergency triage the problem, but if we can’t get it done quickly, then we’re going to remove Nightmare Gallamaxus from the first wave so the fix doesn’t hold up everything else. (Nice try, Gallamaxus!)
In an effort to expedite delivery of the STLs, we ended up going back to our original model files in most cases and did not keep the sculpted bases Mythic had created attached to the models. This greatly benefited the supporting process and should make the models easier to print. As well, it means for players that still want their models mounted on the traditional clear bases, you’ll still have the ability to do so. For those that like the look of the sculpted bases, we’ll be making a free base pack available with all 20 of the different small and large bases Zipped up in a single, downloadable file, so then you can base your units and monsters as your heart desires! That will be available along with this first wave of files.
Final touches are being made on the store items where the STLs will be available on MyMiniFactory.com and we are targeting the end of next week or middle of the following week to release the first wave. Backers will receive a preliminary email before the wave is ready, reminding them to make sure to have a MyMiniFactory.com account with the same email used to back the Mythic Kickstarter, as that is where the files are going to be available to download from.
For those who did not back the Kickstarter but are looking to be able to print any of the new models, the STLs will be made available for sale on MyMiniFactory.com and will also be available as print-on-demand through OnlyGames.com at the same time.
Printable stat cards will be included in the downloadable Zipped files from MyMiniFactory.com. We’ll also be creating a repository of card PDFs at Monsterpocalypse.com for anyone needing the card files. One thing to note here is that we will actually be using a mix of card styles; all models that were previously released as hobby miniatures prior to Mythic’s Kickstarter have the original versions of the cards, but Anglax and the Apex Monsters will be released with Mythic’s versions of the cards. The difference is aesthetic, only. But without on-tap graphic design resources at the moment, we don’t have the ability to quickly recreate those cards in the original style, so we’re using the Mythic cards in order to get everything out to players sooner than later. We’ve got a list of things to polish in the future, and making the presentation of the cards consistent across all models will be at the top of the list, but we think you’ve been waiting long enough and hope you’ll give this one a pass for the moment. It’ll be worth it to get Arctic Armodax on the table sooner than later, right?
Rulebooks and map files will also be going into the downloads section of Monsterpocalypse.com, and we hope to have all of that available by the time your freshly printed kaiju are cured, but getting ALL of the print materials available for download is going to be a work in progress for a while. We’ll post updates anytime something new goes up.
One little piece of the puzzle that we have not cracked is the dice. We know there are a lot of them out there, and in a pinch, it’s possible to DIY the Strike Dice with some blanks. But we’re working on a way to make the actual Monsterpocalypse dice available and will keep you posted once we have a solution.
We always hate to end an update saying, “watch for more updates,” but we’re very close to getting this first bunch of files out and are looking forward to getting as many people playing Monsterpocalypse as possible. Thank you for your continued support and all the kind and encouraging emails that have been coming in! We appreciate your patience and love your enthusiasm and can’t wait to start smashing cities with you again very soon!
The post MONSTERPOCALYPSE PROGRESS REPORT [MARCH 2025] appeared first on Privateer Press.