We know that inquiring kaiju want to know, so here’s a roundup of what’s been going on for Monsterpocalyspe since our last update.
We’re making progress on getting the original production files converted and supported for STL delivery as well as print-on-demand. We’ll actually be providing supported STL and LYS files, as well as unsupported STL files (due to popular demand) all in the same package. We know that some folks are fine with just getting everything unsupported, but we also know there are others who prefer pr-supports. Due to limited bandwidth, we’ll be providing all of these in parallel, but our hope is that once they start rolling out, we’re going be able to provide enough to keep anyone with a 3D printer busy enough that it won’t seem too long before the next batch arrives.
We will be providing the printable files through MyMiniFactory.com. Any backers of the Mythic Kickstarter that wish to receive the files for free will need to have an account on MyMiniFactory.com using THE SAME EMAIL that you used to back the Kickstarter campaign. Please check your records to ensure you are using the same email. And please do not contact Privateer to find out what email you used because we won’t have the capacity to field those emails or update the information that we have obtained from Mythic. We will make an announcement ahead of the file delivery so you have time to make an account with MyMiniFactory.com if you don’t already have one, but there’s no time like the present to get prepared!
We are just waiting on supports for the Apex monsters and Anglax before we deliver the first batch of printable files, so we’re hoping to release this first wave within the next couple weeks. In addition to the Apex monsters and Anglax, we will be including Gorghadra and all Planet Eater units, Defender X and all GUARD units, and all neutral, non-faction buildings. Printable PDFs of the stat cards will be included with the zipped package of STLs.
Following this first wave, we’ll be working through the various factions in pairs, with at least one monster and the units for that faction, before we circle back to fill in the remaining monsters and faction buildings for each army.
There is A LOT of content for us to get through, and it will take some time, so please bear with us as we work through all of it. And in the meantime, we hope you’ll be sharing everything you’re printing, painting and playing with as you build up your Monsterpocalypse super-cities and smash them into dust!
Stay tuned for more Monsterpocalypse news, soon! Next update will be our release announcement for the first round of files.
The post MONSTERPOCALYPSE PROGRESS REPORT [FEBRUARY 2025] appeared first on Privateer Press.