Meet the Team!
Mantic’s communication is maintained by our strike team of crack customer service operatives, working tirelessly to keep you informed and to talk about all things Mantic and hobby related. Whether it’s a new blog post on our site, chatting on comments on a kickstarter, or even answering a direct phone call into Mantic HQ, these individuals are on hand to ensure that you guys are well looked after.
But who are these mystery men? Today we meet the team!
Chris – Kickstarter, Marketing and Customer Services Coordinator
Role: The Boss! (when Ronnie’s not around)
Favorite Mantic Game: DreadBall
Chris’ job title is a great description of his day-to-day work. He coordinates the rest of us; whilst Nick is focussing on a blog post, Luke is answering messages or I am running around sorting out a customer query, Chris is keeping the ‘big picture’ in view and making sure that we’re always working towards it. He can usually be found in one of several meetings per day, or taking the helm of our kickstarter projects.
When not in a meeting room, Chris takes to the Neodurium pitch to settle a long standing friendly rivalry with our Studio Manager, Stewart. He’s one of the longest serving staff with Mantic, although, despite his position, he’s never been able to shake the moniker of ‘intern’. Maybe one day.
Luke – Community Manager
Role: Office Dwarf
Favorite Mantic Game: Kings of War (especially if it involves Golems)
Also known as the ‘Bearded Wonder’, Luke spends his time talking to our wonderful fans via more social media platforms than any human is able to conceive. If you are contacting us through Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else, then you will be talking to Luke. He’s also the prettiest of us, which is why he gets far more time in front of a lens than anyone else.
When he’s not air guitaring in front of his computer, or trying to get Ronnie in front of a camera, he can be found commanding a horrific all-Golem army for Kings of War. He is also in a long term relationship with his actual guitar. Pah, such a romantic!
Nick – Creative Consultant
Role: Master Wordsmith
Favorite Mantic Game: DreadBall Xtreme
In the hot furnaces of the customer service office, Nick takes the mundane alloys of the typeface and mightily smelts them into masterworks of prose and vision. Who knew that content creation could be so dramatic? He spends most of his working time typing into a laptop to create the masses of writing that we send out to customers and retailers alike. Whilst it sounds simple, it takes a keen eye for clarity and evocative language to pull off well.
Whilst a relatively new addition to the team, Nick has found a love for the brutal underground world of Xtreme; his Convicts taking a bloody toll on the pitch. Beyond this he’s been a wargamer as long as Ronnie has (that’s what, at least a century?) and always offers sage wisdom of the ages.
Dave – Customer Services Assistant
Role: Office Goblin
Favorite Mantic Game: Warpath
Your humble author. My work involves responding to any correspondence directed to Mantic via phone, email or web form; of which there is a lot. You’d think this involves a lot of sitting in front of a computer, but I’m actually infamous for sprinting around the building to chase up an order/send out a missing part/check on some stock. Sitting down is a rarity.
Outside of this, I’m usually bugging Stewart on the progress of Warpath/Deadzone, and attempting to paint up one too many Kings of War goblins at once. Scratch that, there’s no such thing as too many goblins! Lego also tends to happen around me, unbidden.
If you have a customer services query then I can be contacted on [email protected] and I will appear like Batman, ready to solve your issue in no time at all.
I should mention that whilst we all have our specific job roles, we do tend to collaborate and all shoulder the workload. It all depends on what needs doing at the time. Mantic is very fortunate to have a cheerful (and sometimes noisy) fan base, and we all look forward to talking to you in the year to come!