Mechadrome Available Now!
All Kickstarter pledges have been shipped (over a month ahead of schedule!), and now the online store has been updated and all models are available now! We weren’t expecting to have them ready for general sale until January, but since the KS shipped early we can launch the store early too!
So, you can head over to to check it out. Right now that will just forward you to the online store, eventually we’ll be building a full Mechadrome website with galleries and videos and downloads and more. That will probably take a month or so to finish up.
All orders over $100 get free US shipping, or for foreign orders over $100 you can save $10 on shipping with the coupon code “ROWSHIP”
There’s also a link there to download the game rules for free. The printed rulebook has a lot more content plus detailed background for the game universe and also each team and pilot. The PDF version is “just the rules”. We’ll also have the rulebook available print on demand through Wargame Vault shortly.
So head on over and check us out!