Martian painting guide
With the imminent retail release of Mars Attacks, I thought we could share a quick painting guide. This guide from Army Painter gives you the exact steps to paint your Martians. I love these guides because they show you the exact colours you’ll need and saves a lot of prep time – you can experiment too of course.
First, get your Martians ready – our ready to play minis are playable unpainted, but this guide looks so good that I can’t wait to do mine when they arrive.
Standard preparation instructions apply to PVC models, so please be sure they’re ready to paint before you undercoat them.
I think the most important steps to highlight here is the difference between creating depth then picking out the details is the wash and redefinition. I’ve found that giving the quickshade a bit of time to dry results in better minis, as well as ensuring I’m spraying in a well ventilated area that’s neither too hot or cold, and allowing them to dry in even temperatures if at all possible.
Once you’ve completed all of the above steps, this is what you should have….
Doesn’t he just look amazing?
You can grab a 24 page guide from Army Painter for painting all of your models here.
And when you’re done, come back and show us! We’ll share the best on our social media feeds if you like!