Mark Your Calendars for Privateer Play Day
What is Privateer Play Day? In one sentence: It’s a day when you and your friends meet up to play your favorite Privateer Press board and card games at a participating retailer, get free swag just for doing so, and potentially win an awesome grand prize. Plus, your local retailer can win a separate grand prize just for hosting the event. (Turns out, it takes two sentences.)
A participating retailer chooses on which day during the week of May 4–10 it will host its Play Day. On that day, you and your friends come into that retailer, sign up, and bring in your personal copy of whichever Privateer Press board or card game you want to enjoy from among critically acclaimed titles like the terrifying and tense LEVEL 7 games, the quick and zany Bodgers Games, or the strategic deck-building game of High Command. Privateer Press will provide a bounty of swag to participating retailers to give out based on the games you play.
There will be special promo cards for LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE], LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL], High Command, Infernal Contraption, Heap, Bodgermania, and the newly released Zombies Keep Out. Whichever game you play, you’ll earn a promo for that game. It’s that simple: show up, play games, earn promos, have fun. The Press Gang will be out in force as well, so players interested in demos of any of these games will have a great chance to try them out.
Privateer Prizes
When you arrive, sign in with your retailer, and after the Play Day, retailers will send Privateer Press their signup sheets with names of all participants. We will send a special thank-you gift just for them—after all, we want to show our appreciation to all the store owners, managers, and employees for hosting this event for our players.
Ten player names will be randomly selected from the signup sheets to win a great prize: three unique art prints taken from Bodgers, High Command, and LEVEL 7. And one randomly selected player will win the grand prize: an art gallery of three exceptional canvas prints using the previously mentioned art. Nothing says “I’m a classy gamer” like an art gallery featuring steam-powered warjacks, insane goblin mechanics, and alien horrors.
In addition, Privateer Press will hold a separate contest just for the retailers. Any store that takes photos of its Play Day and uploads them to the store’s social media, tagging Privateer Press in the process, will be entered to win.
A randomly selected retailer will win the retail grand prize: a pirate’s treasure chest full of…treasure. Coins, to be exact. Not just any coins, however. Privateer Press will create 100 coins featuring the Privateer Press logo on one side and the store’s logo on the other side to fill that treasure chest. This will not only make a great display piece for the store but will also provide the winning retailer with a literal treasure trove of free promotional items truly unique to their business.
Privateer Play Day takes place the week of May 4–10. Check with your local retailer to see if they are participating, grab a few friends, choose a few games, and go earn some great prizes just for playing Privateer Press board and card games!
Play your favorite Privateer Press board and card games and win cool prizes!
- Where: Your local game store.
- When: The week of May 4-10.
Ask your local game store about their participation and when they are hosting Privateer Play Day!