Mantic Open Day! Details announced!
he time has come again where hobbyists from the 4 corners of the globe converge on Nottingham for a day of complete and total hobby madness.
It is of course ‘Mantic Open Day November 2014’
On the 29th of November we will be opening our doors to all for an Xtreme day of fun and frivolity.
There will be many new and exciting miniatures on show in our Studio room. Come and speak with the studio team and find out what’s on the production table, and ask about the minis and content you’re most interested in!
Ronnie and guests will be there for seminar after seminar of hobby related news and Q and A.
Games to be picked up and played such as our Kings of War multi map short campaign. All miniatures will be provided, just bring yourself and learn to play in 30 minutes you will be marshalling your armies to destroy all your foes!
Dreadball will be back with another tournament allowing all you Dread Heads out there to bring your painted teams to fight it out to the last Ultimate Champion!
We will be showcasing our exciting and new games of Xtreme with Jake on hand!
Mars Attacks will be presented in comic book fashion for you to journey through the story of Greenville ( A pleasant place to live) as the game escalates towards the ultimate showdown!
Will the defenders of man be able to take on the Martian menace and secure victory? Or will the Martians simply disintegrate the lot of them?
Come and play and learn the game. This will give you the opportunity to progress from the basic game through to more technical units. You will be playing the last few chapters of the comic book on your own!
Our store will be open throughout the day offering crazy boxes and truly mad deals on our product range (don let Ronnie know!).
Of course it wouldn’t be a Mantic Open Day without our world famous goodie bags!
Our Pathfinders will be on hand to show off our range of games so pop on down and come and play, whether you’ve played before or it’s your very first time, you’re more than welcome to visit!
We here at Mantic look forward to seeing you all!
Tickets are available as a single, family/group, or Dreadball ticket and you can sign up for the event on Facebook too!