Mantic Monday: Building Battlezones for Adepticon
It’s Mantic Monday and that means it’s Hobby Time! Today we’re going to look at scenery.
But first, a little backstory before we get into the meat of it. Adepticon is a major US convention and we’ve been going to the show since our humble beginnings in 2009. This year we’re sponsoring the event with some of our Battlezones scenery, which the fine folk organising the show will be using in various tournaments, including the Warhammer 40,000 event.
However, when the massive box of scenery sprues turned up on US soil, the guys weren’t really sure what to do with it – there was that much!
Enter, The Terrain Tutor. Now, Mel the Terrain Tutor has a little experience with Battlezones scenery. Earlier last year I worked with him on a Help the Heroes raffle, and he did an amazing job with the board.
Mel agreed to help the guys at Adepticon make a range of buildings that would benefit the tournament by setting a template. Not only that, but he also put together a mini-web series of videos on how he did it! These videos are full of good tips and if you’ve not checked out Battlezones before, we highly recommend giving them a watch and seeing how easy it is to make great-looking modular buildings for your wargames table.
Here’s the first video:
And a mini-gallery on how Adepticon’s scenery is progressing!
Pop on over to The Terrain Tutor Youtube channel here to have a watch and why not get in touch with photos of your scenery? Email [email protected] and we’ll post the best one’s up on the blog! Let us know if you’re going to Adepticon in the comments.