Mantic Games Nanowrimo entry form, background documents and FAQ

Last week we announced that Mantic Games will be taking part in National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo), which starts on November 1st. This contest will offer you, our fans, a unique opportunity to write your very own stories for potential publication as an official Mantic Novel.



The Mantic Nanowrimo Writing Competition will center on a handful of Events, Battles, and Character Stories from both the World of Mantica and the Warpath Universe.

For the Lands of Mantica category the three themes are:

1. The Ratkin Revolt
2. The Life of the Green Lady
3. Living Battle Report (Mantica)

For the Warpath Universe category the three themes are:

1. The Last Match of Gregor ‘The Big G’ Davitz
2. The Garrison on Planet Exham IV
3. Living Battle Report (WPU)

By clicking on any of the links above, you can download background documents to help you prepare your story and get your creative juices flowing. You will also need to complete the entry form and there’s also an FAQ that will answer any more questions.


To enter and qualify, each author must:

1) Choose the topic you are writing for then download that topic’s Information Packet
2) Read, fill out, and sign the Contest Application
3) All Stories must follow the Rules and Guidelines
4) When submitted, the Contest Application and Story must be combined into one PDF file with the Contest Application being the first page
5) All submissions must be turned in by the stated due date on the Contest Application

Rules and Guidelines:

1) All material submitted must be original and from the submitting author
2) Submissions must be in English
3) Page Formatting:
◦ .50” Margins
◦ Times New Roman Font
◦ 12 pt. Font
◦ 1.5 line spacing
◦ Story name as Header
◦ Page Number as Footer
4) Submissions must have direct correlation with selected topic
5) Use of foul, crass, or lewd language is not permitted
6) Story cannot exceed Ten Pages
7) Maximum of two submissions per author.
8) No Pen Names or pseudonyms
9) Judging will be carried out or overseen by a Mantic Representative.
10) Winners will be announced as stated on the Contest Application
11) All decisions are final.

$150 Store Credit
Official Certificate of Achievement
A copy of the Mantic Compendium

$100 Store Credit
Official Certificate of Achievement
A copy of the Mantic Compendium

$50 Store Credit
Official Certificate of Achievement
A copy of the Mantic Compendium


We know the first question on your mind is that 10 pages does not equal a novel. This is true, but as there is a chance for the top three entries to be published, we need to keep the stories manageable.

When we say a chance to be published, we really mean it. If we find that of the three there were some amazingly beautiful pieces of work, we will not only give that person the prizes they deserve, but go into discussion about how Mantic would like to use it.

So look forward to the packets on November 1st. Links will be posted there to download all needed material.

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