Mantic and AdeptiCon!
Ok my friends we’re down to two weeks before the AdeptiCon cart closes to sign up for Mantic Events. If you haven’t entered in for events times a wasting.
Thursday will see the Kings of War Team Tournament! Right now we have twenty teams registered with slots for ten more. This is going to be a great convention opening event and promises a ton of fun!
Friday will be the fourth annual AdeptiCorp Cup and is the North American Dreadball Circuit (NADC) Championship. Regional winners from all over North America as well as wild card coaches gather to compete for the title of National Champion!
Saturday and Sunday will be the North American Clash of Kings Championship. Saturday will be three games and Sunday will be the final two games. This is a 2500 point tournament. Who will defeat Kara, 2015’s National Champion.
Saturday night will have the second annual Mantic Open night. Your entrance fee will include a Q&A session with Ronnie and will be recorded as a Mantic North America podcast with Jonny P and Chopper. After the Q&A session, open gaming starts. We’ll have a Kings of War Mega Battle with about 10,000 points per side. There will be a special monster Kings of War scenario also. Deadzone Redux demos are going to be run. Not only will you receive a swag bag with some nice things, your ticket will enter you for some great door prizes, one of them will include a demo session of The Walking Dead: All Out War with Ronnie Renton himself. Runner ups will be stuck with Community Pat’s demos. Lastly a special multi-player Dreadball pitch, where winner takes all and will win a special prize. Light fare will be provided with the entrance fee.
Plenty of things happening at Adepticon this year so don’t miss out. Remember the cart for AdeptiCon closes February 29th. See you in Schaumburg!
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