Last Four Days to get your PEDION Modular Terrain!

It seems that after hitting the infamous “mid-campaign” sluggishness, the Pedion Kickstarter campaign managed to reach the £25000 pledge sum, aunlocking the Pond/OxbowLake/Marsh Tiles.
Now, it is the last four (4) days of the campaign – for Pedion’s to become even better and for you to get an even greater variety of battlefields. So, if you were planing on pledging, now is the time!
While Pedion will be available through our e-shop after the Kickstarter is fulfilled (this is the project’s aim after all), backers will

  1. pay less that the retail prices, both for tile sets and for the subscription service
  2. get free stuff like trees, walls etc
  3. receive their sets much sooner
  4. help Pedion become even better.

Even if you think about getting lots of terrain afterwards, a pledge now can mean wonders for Pedion’s future. And speaking of future, let’s take a look at those Stretch Goals!

Pond and Widening River Tile, with Marsh Upgrade

The £25000 Stretch Goal unlocked a series of tiles and upgrades, which actually are based on the same base design, and their production will use the same mold. The two tile types are the Pond (small lake) Tile and the Widening River Tile; both tiles can be converted to include marshland!

The River Widening is a special river tile (a river Turn, joining to the rest of your river tiles) which meanders and the water is in the process of creating an oxbow lake.

Widening turn river tile (forming an Oxbow lake), painted version

The Pond tile is actually a stand-alone small lake, using exactly the same design without the river connections (thus saving some £ on mold design)

Pond Tile, painted version

What really makes the difference though, is that you can at anytime convert those two tiles into marshland! With the corresponding add-on, you can clip on and off swamp surface, creating either a partial marshland on a river side, or a full marsh on top of your lake:

Widening turn with prototype* Marshland add-on clipped on, turning the tile into a riverside marshland**

Pont tile with a Marshland prototype* add-on, turned into a full Swamp

Close view on the riverside marshland

*Expect the final Marshland add-ons to be made from much thinner resin, in order to fit more seamlessly on the river/lake sides, to reduce slopes and to keep the whole marsh on a lower elevation.
**The marshland motif has been drawn from Luisiana marshland images. The riverside marshland is formed at the wider side of the river. This is not common, since water flows faster outside, but it made for a bigger marsh; so let’s assume that the outer curve would be the place with lots of alluvial which would help to create a marsh if the water would again erode the closer turn…

Next Stretch Goal: SciFi Themes and Crater Tile types

Although we are nearing the end, there is a number of Stretch Goals that we may unlock yet! 
The closest one, on terms of pledge total, is the availability of two new ground variations when we reach £28000, both more suitable to a Science Fiction setting: the “Red Planet” and the “Grey Wastes”. These new variations will also unlock a new type of Tile: the Crater tile.
Actually, there are going to be two different kinds of crater tiles. The first is going to show a big, regular crater, usually the result of planetary Impact. The other will depict overlapping smaller craters, with ground devastated from artillery. Take a first glimpse of both the new themes and the crater tiles on the photos below:
Impact Crater Tile, Red Planet Theme
Impact Crater Tile, Red Planet Theme with 15mm SciFi minis

Artillery Crater Tile, Grey Wastes Theme

Artillery Crater Tile, Grey Wastes Theme, 15mm SciFi minis

Next Social Stretch Goal: FREE Walls for everyone if we reach 165 Backers

Since the number of 180 backers may seem a bit far-fetched, I do not want to end without another freebie 🙂 So, let us reach 165 Backers first, and everyone with a physical reward will also receive some free walls! Specifically:
  • For every backer who gets 1 to 6 tiles (through Sets and add-ons), he or she will receive 1 Hedge Fences Set (that’s 2x 12cm or 4x 5.2cm Hedge walls, see add-ons)
  • For every backer who gets 7 to 16 tiles (through Sets and add-ons), he or she will receive 1 Stone Walls Set (that’s 2x 12cm or 4x 5.2cm Stone walls, see add-ons)
  • For every backer who gets 17 or more tiles (through Sets and add-ons), he or she will receive 1 Magnetic Columns Set (that’s 2x single connectors and 1 T-connector columns, see add-ons)
  • All Wall System Starter Sets get ONE MORE Stone Wall piece
So what are you waiting for? The time is now – pledge, spread the word, bring your friends in and get the last terrain you will ever need!

Good gaming,

