Last 48 hours for the Punkapocalyptic campaign

Our Indiegogo campaign enters its last 48 hours and we have not only got the basic funding we needed, but also achieved to unlock the first free extra.
But during the remaining time you still can give it a little last push and unlock even more things, which by the way are free for their most part.


From the very moment we got the basic funding we started to order the new miniatures’ designs and modellings from our sculptors, so we will be able to deliver them to you as soon as possible.

The exclusive miniature for this campaign, Eightfingers, is already fully rendered on 3D. The copies will be made in high quality resin.



Besides we have also begun to order the modelling of the rest of the Junkers that will make up the faction’s Starter Pack (these ones will be made out of metal, as the rest of our current catalog). Some of them are being modelled digitally in 3D and the rest the traditional way.





And ye be warned that we are really close to unlock the next stretch-goal level, at 9,000 euros, nothing more and nothing less than a free miniature of a Piston with Harpoon gun for every pledge level to access to the extra stuff.


And if all this was yet found to be lacking for you we will raffle 5 miniatures of Crazy Mel, our next release, among those of you filthy sinners who have pledged for a “Scrapbridge neighbor” level or higher on our campaign.


So, be witness and spread the word!!!
