LARC Kickstarter – closing weekend

LARC Kickstarter – closing weekend

We have already funded the Civilian LARC, and the SLA Version (pictured below) and are almost at the Stretch Goal for the Militarised Talon version (photograph above) of this gorgeous little 32mm VTOL.

The LARC is the first in a range of Vehicles that Kore Thinking are planning over coming months – we will soon be planning a whole fleet of post modern 32mm cars for a variety of games. These will be in high quality resin and be at a price that you can afford to buy streets worth of them to grace your Modern / Sci Fi gaming table.


These will be followed by the LARC’s big brother – the HAWC, we aim to take everything we are learning from this Kickstarter and to incorporate it into a far bigger Version of the LARC – Think Chinook meets Thunder Stallion and you aren’t far off of what we are going to produce. This model will be a considerable size and come with a variety of loadouts and a modular Cargo section that can be customised for a number of uses from a Passenger pod to a MASH unit, for example.

Right now though – we want to concentrate on the LARC, hopefully completing the Kickstarter with a couple more Stretch goals under our belt for perhaps the Talon and Eagle versions, and chasing down the Medical Nightingale would be great!


Find our Kickstarter over at;

Any and all backing and support would be gratefully appreciated – we have our resin caster on standby as soon as the Kickstarter ends, he will go straight to work on the LARC’s and we aim to have the Kickstarter delivered in a very quick time. This will allow us to bring our next range to market even faster!

Until then – please check out our Kickstarter, and if you fancy pledging! Even better!
