Kore Aeronautics – News LARC – “Eagle” Configuration





We are delighted to unveil the latest renders from the Kore Aero team – this is the next in the Initial lineup for the LARC – the Eagle News-VTOL!

This versatile Aircraft comes with not only a high quality multi optic camera mount in the nose, but also 2 racks of very maneuvrable and highly capable Drones – capable of remote or autonomous piloting; these great little drones help not only to get the best angle for any camera shots, but are fully integrated with the Eagles’ Comms systems, meaning that any News Channel utilising the LARC’s advanced capabilities has a decided advantage over their competitors.

 The Eagle model will include not only the Optics array in the chin – but comes with 2 twin racks of Camera Drones, which can be modelled either as part of the Model or can be detached (there is a wee space for magnets!) and placed as separate Flying Drones.

The LARC core model is 1 of 4 Variants initially Planned – the model itself is a 32mm VTOL and fits very well with a variety of Sci fi and Post Modern miniatures from many ranges. It is the first of a New Range of Flyers due from the Kore Aero team – and will be available on Kickstarter shortly!




