Kings of War Week – Introducing the Edge of the Abyss Campaign and more…
Surely you all know by now that the Edge of the Abyss global campaign is on the horizon, right? This is your opportunity to change the world of Mantica by playing your favourite mass fantasy battle game. That’s right, you can shape the future narrative of the game. Depending upon the results, we’ll be changing the map of Mantica and setting the world up for some interesting twists and turns in the future!
All this week on Facebook and YouTube, Ronnie and Rob have been talking about the Edge of the Abyss campaign, along with some general videos about getting started with Kings of War. However, just in case you’ve missed their witty exchanges, we’re sharing them all below! Have you decided which faction you’ll be fighting for?
Remember, the Edge of the Abyss global campaign kicks off on August 21st, so you’ve still got time to get your army started! There are no points limits on the game, so even if you’re just starting you with the game, you’ll be able to fight for the fate of Mantica!
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