Kings of War Mini-Kick launches Friday 14th!
It is official – the Kings of War Kickstarter goes live 1:30pm GMT on Friday 14th November.
Kicking it on
With this mini-kick we’re looking at funding the new 2nd Edition Kings of War Hardback rulebook. It will feature all new background, refreshed core rules retaining the simplicity of the game and revamped army lists that include new units, tweaks to existing units and the addition of all of the background and units from the supplements.
We’re then going to be looking at filling in some gaps in the range, namely some accessories, a new army and some additions to the existing miniatures range…
Dark Forces Rising
The Forces of the Abyss were insanely popular in Dungeon Saga and we’re finally bringing them to Kings of War.
The newest army for the game will get a reworked army list with new units and the hard plastic treatment Deadzone has recently received, with some neat and characterful additions to offer choice and variety in your force.
The Forces of the Abyss are going to be one of the primary driving forces of the story for our worldwide campaign…
2nd Edition provides you with the perfect opportunity to start that new force, so don’t miss your opportunity to get in on the ground floor.
The Choice is yours!
We’re going to have two main pledge levels to start with – one just for the book, so you can get the rules and some accessories, and one where you can choose an army.
You can do this in two flavours – either 2 small armies to form your own custom starter set (so Abyssal Dwarfs and Basileans if you like!) or 1 large army. Unlike the original Kings of War campaign, we’re going to be peppering the stretch goals between the pledge levels and the large armies – so Basilean armies will get that new War-wizard included for example, whilst others will be able to add one (or three!) on.
Each of these armies are great value from the get-go (and are only going to get better!!), and will be the only way to get the existing models – we won’t offer the sets individually. You can pick those up from your friendly local gaming store, or our website.
What do you want to see?
What accessories do you think are missing from the Kings of War range?
Where would you like the campaign to go after funding the Forces of the Abyss army? Would you like to see the Forces of Nature or new miniatures for an existing army? Let us know in the comment below.
The Kings of War 2nd Edition Rulebook Kickstarter campaign starts 1:30pm GMT Friday 14th November. Make sure you sign up to the newsletter and keep an eye on Facebook for the launch of the campaign!